Responsible for the treatment

In compliance with current legal regulations on the protection of personal data, the user is informed that their data will be processed by MADAME DYNAMITE, S.L.U, with CIF B40590325, hereinafter THE RESPONSIBLE.

Purpose of the treatment

Contact Form

The purpose of the treatment is to meet your request and to enable the management of the relationship and contact with you.

Another purpose is to send you commercial and courtesy communications related to our entity, through the telephone, ordinary postal mail, email or equivalent electronic means of communication.

If the user does not mark the acceptance of the corresponding box before sending the request for consultation, they will not receive commercial and interest communications from this entity, without prejudice to their query being answered.

Newsletter service users

The purpose for users of this service is to respond to your subscription request and send you commercial and courtesy communications related to our entity, through email or equivalent electronic means of communication, having the consent due to the subscription made.

Transfer of data

The user accepts and consents to the automated treatment of the same by THE RESPONSIBLE who guarantees that the data collected will not be transferred to third parties or used for any other commercial purpose other than for which they have been collected and that whenever it is to be carried out Some type of transfer of personal data, previously, the express, informed, and unequivocal consent of the owners would be requested. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.
Accuracy and veracity of the data

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data included and reported, exonerating THE RESPONSIBLE of any responsibility in this regard.

Security measures

THE CONTROLLER has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it deals with, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.

This website may contain links to other websites that may store information about users. THE RESPONSIBLE is not responsible for the management of user information or for the data protection and confidentiality conditions of other websites.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

THE CONTROLLER reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, according to its own criteria, or motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential or doctrinal change of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. Any modification of the Privacy Policy will be published at least ten days before its effective application. The use of the Web after said changes will imply the acceptance of them.

Data deletion period

They will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from said purpose and from the data processing.

User rights

You are informed that you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and, where appropriate, opposition and portability of the data, as well as the limitation of their treatment, by sending a request accompanied by an identification document to the address: Likewise, you are informed that you have the possibility to exercise your right to file a claim with a competent Data Protection Control Authority, if you do not obtain satisfaction in the exercise of your rights.

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